Chandigarh, May 23 (Press Ki Taquat Bureau):
The Revenue Minister Punjab, Mr. GS Kangar released directory and compendium of Registration Instructions compiled by Punjab Revenue Officers Association, at his camp office in Chandigarh.
Appreciating the efforts of members of Punjab Revenue Officers Association, the Minister said that compiling all relevant Registration Instructions since 1950 till date is commendable. He said that scores of changes have come up with time in the property registration process; many new instructions have been issued and many have become redundant over time. So, compiling entire set of relevant instructions is great job. It will not only be handy for the present Revenue Officers but will also be of immense value to those who are being inducted fresh into the department.
Preparing the alphabetically organized Directory of contact numbers and details of all Revenue Officers of the rank of naib thesildar, tehsildar and District Revenue Office(DRO) who are serving as well as all those who have served the department since 1979 when the post of DRO was created is also a herculean job. This directory will be a valuable database, said he.
In the meanwhile, Mr. Gurdev Singh Dham, President Punjab Revenue Officers Association informed that a group of revenue officers are also working on compiling Revenue Laws and the Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar Rules & Regulations and will soon release the books on both the subjects.
Photo Caption: T Revenue Minister Punjab, Mr. GS Kangar releasing directory and compendium of Registration Instructions compiled by Punjab Revenue Officers Association.