As the Diwali celebrations commenced across India, the Western Railway (WR) revealed its plan to operate 200 special trains to accommodate the influx of travelers during the Diwali and Chhath Puja festive period. On Tuesday, October 29, over 120 of these trains are scheduled to run, as reported by the Indian Railways. Notably, approximately 40 of these services will be overseen by the Mumbai Division, which includes 22 trains specifically designated for popular destinations in states such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Odisha. The Indian Railways has indicated that these special train services are designed to supplement the regular train operations, with additional coaches being introduced to address the increased passenger demand during this festive season. Vineet Abhishek, the Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, emphasized that this initiative reflects their dedication to accommodating the growing number of travelers during this vibrant period, as outlined in a recent press release.