Chandigarh, February 19 (Press Ki Taquat Bureau) : Now, vehicle owners have an option to carry digital copies of their Driving Licences (DLs) and Registration Certificates (RCs) in the state, as the Punjab Transport Department has allowed the electronic format of DLs and RCs.
Giving this information, Punjab Transport Minister Ms. Razia Sultana said that driving licences and vehicle registration certificates can be produced through mobile apps- mParivahan and DigiLocker, if law enforcement authorities like the traffic police and RTOs will ask for these documents during on the spot inspection. It will enable vehicle owners not to carry the plastic cards or physical copies.
A letter has been issued by State Transport Commissioner to all Secretaries of Punjab State Regional Transport Authorities/SDMs and ADGP traffic to sensitize the checking staff of police department in this regard, said the cabinet minister, while asking the officials to ensure that “virtual” driving licences and vehicle registration certificates on smartphones will be authenticated on the spot verification.
Ms. Razia Sultana directed that the information regarding allowing ‘virtual’ DLs and RCs should be put on the notice boards of the transport offices in the state to aware the general public. Besides, realizing the Digital Punjab drive, this system will also eliminate corruption and will help the people to avoid hefty fines in case of non-availability of hard copy of DL and RC, she added.
State Transport Commissioner Dr. Amarpal Singh further informed that if anyone forget driving licence/vehicle registration certificate at home or misplaced or waiting for delivery of printed smart chip DL or RC than no need to worry, just download the app mParivahan or DigiLocker and save your virtual DL or RC. This is now absolutely valid and can be shown at the time of checking.
He said that the moment applicant’s RC or DL is approved by registering and licencing authority, he/she get a message on phone about the approval and that can be downloaded in the app.