As per the directions of Punjab State Legal Services Authority and under the supervision of Ms. Rupinderjit Chahal, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum- Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, State Lok Adalat pertaining to matters i.e. Motor Accident Claims, Land Acquisition Cases and Family Disputes was held in Sessions Division Patiala on 21.10.2023. In this Lok Adalat, 02 judicial benches were constituted in District Courts Complex Patiala. During this Lok Adalat, 134 Cases pertaining to Motor Accident Claims, Land Acquisition Cases and Family Disputes were taken up and 48 cases were settled through mutual compromise involving amount of Rs. 23229143/-
Besides this, under the campaign “Punjab against Drug Addiction- A Legal Services Initiative” in District Patiala started on 1.10.2023, a legal awareness programme was also held at Patiala School for Deaf and Blind Saifdipur, Patiala by Ms Manni Arora, CJM cum Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala and Ms Ravinder Kaur Jassar, Panel Advocate. During this programme, staff, teachers and students were made aware about the bad effects of drugs on human body and mind. They were also sensitized about NALSA(Legal Services to the Victims of Drug abuse and Eradication of Drug Menace) Scheme, 2015, Punjab Victim Compensation Scheme, 2017, NALSA Compensation Scheme for Women Victims/Survivors of Sexual Assault/ other crimes, 2018; free legal services, benefits of lok adalat and about upcoming National Lok Adalat to be held on 09.12.2023.
On this occasion, Ms Manni Arora told that a needy person, who wants free legal aid, can contact the front office at ADR Center, District Courts complex, Patiala personally or on phone number 0175-2306500.