Increasing presence of commission on social media, generating awareness about activities of commission, ensuring implementation of NFSA main achievements
Chandigarh, October 12 (Press Ki Taquat)
The Chairman Punjab State Food Commission D.P. Reddy today relinquishing charge after the completion of five year tenure. In the farewell function held at the MGSIPA in Sector-26, he said that he strived to implement the National Food Security Act, 2013 throughout the State of Punjab during his time at the helm, with a view to ensure food security for all especially the weaker sections of the society.
It is noteworthy that before Mr. Reddy joined the Commission, the Chairman and Members used to function from different locations. He took the initiative to house the Chairman and Members in one complex and presently, Punjab State Food Commission is functioning out of MGSIPA, Sector 26 besides initiated efforts to create a Website of the Commission. Social media handles on Face Book, Twitter and Instagram have also been set up. Helpline of the Commission was also set up and complaints are received on the same.
Also, the District Redressal Grievances Officers had to be nominated and designated by the Department of Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs, Social Security, Women & Child Development and School Education. The matter was taken up with these Departments and Additional Deputy Commissioners (D) have been designated as District Grievances Redressal Officers. A seminar was organized with all the DGROs and the Departments to sensitize them about the provisions of the Act/Rules.
A multi-media campaign was launched by the Commission – both in electronic and print media to generate of awareness about the Commission and entitlements to beneficiaries. Jingles were playing on FM radio. A short video film was got prepared from the Public Relations Department and forwarded to Administrative Secretaries of all the three Departments, Deputy Commissioners and Addl. Deputy Commissioners (D) for displaying the same at important places.
In order to learn about the best practices being followed by other Commissions, Chairman and Members of the Commission visited Andhra Pradesh State Food Commission to study the best practices being followed there.
Meetings were held with representatives of Akshya Patra and Iskcon to involve them in the Mid Day Meals Scheme. Proposals to involve them were sent to the Department of School Education and Social Security for taking necessary action. Meeting was held with Director, NIN, Hyderabad to ascertain the nutritional status of school children. Meetings were held with Administrative Secretaries and Heads of all the three Departments from time to time to sensitize them about the requirements of NFSA 2013.
Members of the Commission were allotted various Districts to oversee and monitor implementation of various provisions of NFSA 2013. Chairman and two Members of the Commission attended a Two Day seminar on “National Consultation with State Food Commissions” on 7th and 8th Nov.2022 at Bengaluru. A Member of the Commission was deputed to attend a National Seminar on Nutritional Support to Children on 16th & 17th January 2023 at Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala).
The School Education Department was also advised to provide banana, eggs and flavored milk, as was being done in some other States, and also to extend the Mid Day Meals Scheme up to 10th class. Annual Reports of the Commission from the year 2015-16 to 2020-21 have been submitted to the State Govt. for laying the same on the table of the Punjab Vidhan Sabha.