As per the directions of NALSA & Punjab State Legal Services Authority and under the supervision of Ms. Rupinderjit Chahal, Ld. District & Sessions Judge-cum- Chairman, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala, Lok Adalat pertaining to matters i.e. Motor Accident Claims, Land Acquisition Cases and Family Disputes was held in Sessions Division Patiala on 15.7.2023. In this Lok Adalat, 03 judicial benches were constituted in District Courts Complex Patiala. During this Lok Adalat, 306 Cases pertaining to Motor Accident Claims, Land Acquisition Cases and Family Disputes were taken up and 111 cases were settled through mutual compromise involving amount of Rs. 19777429/-
Apart from this, a visit was conducted at Central Jail, Patiala by Ms Manni Arora, Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala. During this visit, a camp court was also organized in Central Jail, Patiala by Ms Manni Arora, Chief Judicial Magistrate-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala. During this camp court, one case was disposed of at the spot.
On this occasion, a legal awareness programme was also held by Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala. During this programme, jail inmates were made aware about plea bargaining and free legal services.
Besides, Hon’ble Judge visited at Stitching Training Center in Women Cell of the jail and interacted with jail inmates as well. Their grievances/problems were heard and redressed.